Pci & Pci-x Hardware and Software

Welcome to PCI Compliance Guide.

Click on the links below to find answers to frequently asked questions.

Q1: What is PCI?
Q2: To whom does the PCI DSS apply?
Q3: Where can I notice the PCI Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)?
Q4: What are the PCI compliance 'levels' and how are they adamant?
Q5: What does a small-to-medium sized business (Level 4 merchant) have to practice in club to satisfy the PCI DSS requirements?
Q6: How does taking credit cards by phone piece of work with PCI?
Q7: If I only take credit cards over the telephone, does PCI DSS notwithstanding apply to me?
Q8: Practise organizations using tertiary-party processors accept to be PCI DSS compliant?
Q9: My business has multiple locations, is each location required to validate PCI compliance?
Q10: We just practice e-commerce. Which SAQ should we use?
Q11: My company doesn't store credit card data so PCI compliance doesn't employ to u.s.a., right?
Q12: Are debit carte du jour transactions in scope for PCI?
Q13: Am I PCI compliant if I take an SSL document?
Q14: My company wants to store credit card data. What methods can we use?
Q15: What are the penalties for non-compliance?
Q16: What is divers every bit 'cardholder data'?
Q17: What is the definition of 'merchant'?
Q18: What constitutes a Service Provider?
Q19: What constitutes a payment application?
Q20: What is a payment gateway?
Q21: What is PA-DSS?
Q22: Tin can the full credit carte number be printed on the consumer'southward re-create of the receipt?
Q23: Practice I need vulnerability scanning to validate compliance?
Q24: What is a vulnerability browse?
Q25: How often practise I have to have a vulnerability scan?
Q26: What if my business refuses to cooperate?
Q27: If I'yard running a business from my home, am I a serious target for hackers?
Q28: What should I do if I'm compromised?
Q29: Exercise states have laws requiring information alienation notifications to the affected parties?

Q1: What is PCI?

A: The Payment Menu Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a set of security standards designed to ensure that ALL companies that accept, process, store or transmit credit card data maintain a secure surround.

The Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) was launched on September 7, 2006 to manage the ongoing evolution of the Payment Carte Industry (PCI) security standards with a focus on improving payment account security throughout the transaction process. The PCI DSS is administered and managed past the PCI SSC (www.pcisecuritystandards.org), an independent body that was created by the major payment card brands (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Notice and JCB.). It is important to annotation that the payment brands and acquirers are responsible for enforcing compliance, not the PCI council. A copy of the PCI DSS is available here.

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Q2: To whom does the PCI DSS apply?

A: The PCI DSS applies to ANY organization, regardless of size or number of transactions, that accepts, transmits or stores any cardholder data.

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Q3: Where can I notice the PCI Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)?

A: The current PCI DSS documents can be found on the PCI Security Standards Quango website.

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Q4: What are the PCI compliance 'levels' and how are they determined?

A: All merchants will autumn into one of the 4 merchant levels based on Visa transaction book over a 12-month flow. Transaction volume is based on the aggregate number of Visa transactions (inclusive of credit, debit and prepaid) from a merchant Doing Business Equally ('DBA'). In cases where a merchant corporation has more than i DBA, Visa acquirers must consider the amass volume of transactions stored, processed or transmitted by the corporate entity to determine the validation level. If data is non aggregated, such that the corporate entity does not store, procedure or transmit cardholder data on behalf of multiple DBAs, acquirers will continue to consider the DBA's individual transaction volume to make up one's mind the validation level.

Merchant levels equally defined by Visa:

Merchant Level Description
1 Any merchant — regardless of acceptance aqueduct — processing over 6M Visa transactions per year. Whatsoever merchant that Visa, at its sole discretion, determines should meet the Level 1 merchant requirements to minimize gamble to the Visa organization.
2 Any merchant — regardless of credence channel — processing 1M to 6M Visa transactions per yr.
iii Any merchant processing 20,000 to 1M Visa e-commerce transactions per year.
4 Any merchant processing fewer than 20,000 Visa e-commerce transactions per year, and all other merchants — regardless of credence channel — processing upwards to 1M Visa transactions per yr.

* Any merchant that has suffered a alienation that resulted in an account data compromise may exist escalated to a higher validation level.

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Q5: What does a small-to-medium sized business organisation (Level 4 merchant) have to do in lodge to satisfy the PCI DSS requirements?

A: To satisfy the requirements of PCI, a merchant must complete the following steps:

  • Determine which self-cess Questionnaire (SAQ) your business should utilise to validate compliance. See the chart below to help you select. (Click chart to overstate.)
    PCI 3.0 SAQ Chart
  • Complete the self-assessment Questionnaire according to the instructions it contains.
  • Complete and obtain testify of a passing vulnerability browse with a PCI SSC Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV). Annotation scanning does not apply to all merchants. Information technology is required for SAQ A-EP, SAQ B-IP, SAQ C, SAQ D-Merchant and SAQ D-Service Provider.
  • Consummate the relevant Attestation of compliance in its entirety (located in the SAQ tool).
  • Submit the SAQ, show of a passing browse (if applicable), and the Attestation of compliance, along with whatever other requested documentation, to your acquirer.

Read our weblog mail, "The PCI Basics/Quick Guide – What Practice Minor Merchants Need to Do to Achieve PCI Compliance?"

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Q6: How does taking credit cards past phone work with PCI?

A: The following mail service, "How Does Taking Credit Cards by Phone Work with PCI?" explains your PCI compliance responsibilities when taking credit card information over the phone (e.g., in a call center). Note that while this post was published in 2014, it is notwithstanding relevant with the current version of the PCI DSS.

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Q7: If I merely take credit cards over the phone, does PCI DSS all the same employ to me?

A: Aye. All business organization that store, process or transmit payment cardholder data must be PCI Compliant.

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Q8: Exercise organizations using third-party processors have to be PCI DSS compliant?

A: Yeah. Merely using a tertiary-party visitor does not exclude a company from PCI DSS compliance. It may cutting down on their take a chance exposure and consequently reduce the effort to validate compliance. However, information technology does not mean they can ignore the PCI DSS.

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Q9: My business has multiple locations, is each location required to validate PCI compliance?

A: If your business locations process nether the same Tax ID, and then typically you are merely required to validate once annually for all locations. And, submit quarterly passing network scans past an PCI SSC Canonical Scanning Vendor (ASV) for each location, if applicable.

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Q10: We only do e-commerce. Which SAQ should nosotros use?

A: It depends on how your shopping cart is set up. Run into PCI SAQ three.one: Due east-Commerce Options Explained.

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Q11: My company doesn't store credit card data and so PCI compliance doesn't use to united states of america, correct?

A: If y'all have credit or debit cards as a form of payment, then PCI compliance applies to you. The storage of carte du jour information is risky, so if you don't store card data, then becoming secure and compliant may exist easier.

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Q12: Are debit bill of fare transactions in telescopic for PCI?

A: In-telescopic cards include any debit, credit, and pre-paid cards branded with one of the v card association/make logos that participate in the PCI SSC – American Express, Discover, JCB, MasterCard, and Visa International.

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Q13: Am I PCI compliant if I take an SSL certificate?

A: No. SSL certificates do not secure a web server from malicious attacks or intrusions. Loftier assurance SSL certificates provide the get-go tier of customer security and reassurance such as the below, but there are other steps to attain PCI compliance. See Question "What does a small-to-medium sized business organization (Level 4 merchant) take to do in order to satisfy the PCI requirements?"

  • A secure connectedness between the customer's browser and the web server
  • Validation that the website operators are a legitimate, legally accountable organization

Meet related weblog post, "PCI DSS v3.1 and SSL: What you should do NOW."
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Q14: My visitor wants to store credit carte du jour information. What methods tin we use?

A: Most merchants that need to shop credit card data are doing it for recurring billing. The all-time way to store credit card data for recurring billing is by utilizing a 3rd party credit carte vault and tokenization provider. Past utilizing a vault, the card data is removed from your possession and y'all are given dorsum a "token" that can be used for the purpose of recurring billing. By using a third party, you move the take a chance of storing menu data to someone who specializes in doing that and has all of the security controls in place to proceed the card information safe.

If you need to store the card information yourself, your bar for cocky-assessment is very high and you may need to accept a QSA (Qualified Security Assessor) come up onsite and perform an audit to ensure that you have all of the controls in place necessary to meet the PCI DSS specifications.

Run across related blog post, "Can Nosotros Securely Shop Card Data for Recurring Billing?"

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Q15: What are the penalties for non-compliance?

A: The payment brands may, at their discretion, fine an acquiring bank $five,000 to $100,000 per month for PCI compliance violations. The banks volition most likely pass this fine along until information technology eventually hits the merchant. Furthermore, the bank will also virtually likely either stop your relationship or increment transaction fees. Penalties are non openly discussed nor widely publicized, but they tin can be catastrophic to a pocket-sized business organization. Information technology is of import to be familiar with your merchant account agreement, which should outline your exposure.

Read more nigh the penalties for not-compliance in our blog post, "How Tin Your PCI Compliance Efforts Ultimately Save Your Business Money?"

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Q16: What is divers as 'cardholder data'?

A: The PCI Security Standards Council (SSC) defines 'cardholder information' as the total Primary Account Number (PAN) or the full PAN along with whatever of the following elements:

  • Cardholder name
  • Expiration engagement
  • Service code

Sensitive Authentication Data, which must also be protected, includes total magnetic stripe data, CAV2, CVC2, CVV2, CID, PINs, PIN blocks and more.

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Q17: What is the definition of 'merchant'?

A: For the purposes of the PCI DSS, a merchant is defined as any entity that accepts payment cards bearing the logos of any of the 5 members of PCI SSC (American Express, Observe, JCB, MasterCard or Visa) every bit payment for goods and/or services. Note that a merchant that accepts payment cards equally payment for appurtenances and/or services can too be a service provider, if the services sold outcome in storing, processing, or transmitting cardholder data on behalf of other merchants or service providers. For example, an ISP is a merchant that accepts payment cards for monthly billing, but also is a service provider if information technology hosts merchants as customers. Source: PCI SSC

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Q18: What constitutes a Service Provider?

A: The PCI SSC defines a Service Provider this style:
"Business entity that is non a payment brand, direct involved in the processing, storage, or transmission of cardholder information. This likewise includes companies that provide services that control or could impact the security of cardholder data." (Source: www.pcisecuritystandards.org)

The "merchant as a service provider" role is farther specified by the PCI SSC equally "a merchant that accepts payment cards every bit payment for goods and/or services…if the services sold result in storing, processing, or transmitting cardholder data on behalf of other merchants or service providers." Learn more about how to achieve compliance as a Service Provider. Run into our blog post, "PCI Compliance and the Service Provider."

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Q19: What constitutes a payment awarding?

A: What constitutes a payment application equally it relates to PCI compliance? The term payment awarding has a very broad significant in PCI. A payment application is annihilation that stores, processes, or transmits carte du jour data electronically. This means that annihilation from a Point of Sale arrangement (e.g., Verifone swipe terminals, ALOHA terminals, etc.) in a restaurant to a Website e-commerce shopping cart (due east.g., CreLoaded, osCommerce, etc) are all classified as payment applications. Therefore whatever slice of software that has been designed to touch on credit card information is considered a payment application.

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Q20: What is a payment gateway?

A: Payment gateways connect a merchant to the banking company or processor that is acting as the front end-end connection to the card brands. They are called gateways because they accept many inputs from a diverseness of unlike applications and route those inputs to the appropriate bank or processor. Gateways communicate with the bank or processor using dial-up connections, web-based connections or privately held leased lines.

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Q21: What is PA-DSS?

A: PA-DSS refers to Payment Application Data Security Standard maintained by the PCI Security Standards Council (SSC) to address the critical outcome of payment application security. The requirements within the PA-DSS are designed to ensure that vendors provide products which back up merchants' efforts to maintain PCI DSS compliance and eliminate the storage of sensitive cardholder data.

The PCI SSC administers the plan to validate payment applications' compliance against the PA-DSS, and publishes and maintains a list of PA-DSS validated applications. See PCI Security Standards for more than information. Also see our blog postal service on the critical divergence between the PCI DSS and PA-DSS here.

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Q22: Tin the total credit carte du jour number exist printed on the consumer's copy of the receipt?

A: PCI DSS requirement iii.three states "Mask PAN when displayed (the commencement six and last four digits are the maximum number of digits to be displayed)." While the requirement does not prohibit printing of the full menu number or expiry date on receipts (either the merchant copy or the consumer copy), please annotation that PCI DSS does not override whatever other laws that legislate what tin be printed on receipts (such every bit the U.S. Off-white and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA) or whatsoever other applicable laws).

Run into the italicized note nether PCI DSS requirement 3.3 "Note: This requirement does non supplant stricter requirements in place for displays of cardholder information—for example, legal or payment card brand requirements for signal-of-sale (POS) receipts. Any newspaper receipts stored by merchants must adhere to the PCI DSS, specially requirement nine regarding concrete security". Source: PCI SSC

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Q23: Do I need vulnerability scanning to validate compliance?

A: If you qualify for certain self-assessment Questionnaires (SAQs) or you electronically store cardholder information postal service authorization, and so a quarterly scan by a PCI SSC Canonical Scanning Vendor (ASV) is required to maintain compliance. If you qualify for any of the post-obit SAQs under version 3.x of the PCI DSS, then you are required to have a passing ASV browse:

  • SAQ A-EP
  • SAQ B-IP
  • SAQ C
  • SAQ D-Merchant
  • SAQ D-Service Provider

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Q24: What is a vulnerability scan?

A: A vulnerability scan involves an automated tool that checks a merchant or service provider's systems for vulnerabilities. The tool will conduct a not-intrusive scan to remotely review networks and web applications based on the external-facing Cyberspace protocol (IP) addresses provided past the merchant or service provider. The scan identifies vulnerabilities in operating systems, services and devices that could exist used by hackers to target the visitor'south private network. As provided by an Approved Scanning Vendors (ASV's) such as ControlScan, the scan does not require the merchant or service provider to install whatsoever software on their systems, and no denial-of-service attacks volition be performed. Learn more about vulnerability scans hither.

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Q25: How often practise I take to have a vulnerability scan?

A: Every ninety days/once per quarter, those who fit the to a higher place criteria are required to submit a passing scan. Merchants and service providers should submit compliance documentation (successful scan reports) according to the timetable determined past their acquirer. Scans must be conducted past a PCI SSC Canonical Scanning Vendor (ASV) such as ControlScan.

See related blog post, "Internal vs. External Vulnerability Scans: Why Yous Need Both."

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Q26: What if my business refuses to cooperate?

A: PCI is not, in itself, a law. The standard was created by the major carte brands Visa, MasterCard, Find, AMEX and JCB. At their acquirers'/service providers' discretion, merchants that practise not comply with PCI DSS may be discipline to fines, card replacement costs, plush forensic audits, brand impairment, etc., should a breach event occur.

For a little upfront effort and cost to comply with the PCI DSS, you greatly assistance reduce your gamble from facing these extremely unpleasant and costly consequences. Acquire how ControlScan helps simplify PCI DSS.

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Q27: If I'thousand running a business from my home, am I a serious target for hackers?

A: Yes. Home users are arguably the near vulnerable merely because they are usually non well protected. Adopting a 'path of least resistance' model, intruders will often naught—in on dwelling users—often exploiting their always-on broadband connections and typical home use programs such as conversation, Internet games and P2P file sharing applications. ControlScan's scanning service allows home users and network administrators alike to identify and set any security vulnerabilities on their desktop or laptop computers.

See related web log post, "v Best Practices for Securing Your Small Biz."

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Q28: What should I do if I'1000 compromised?

A: While many payment card information breaches are hands preventable, they can and do nonetheless happen to businesses of all sizes.

If your small- or mid-sized business has discovered it'due south been breached, at that place are many proficient resources to help you lot with next steps. We recommend the following:

  • Department of Justice, Best Practices for Victim Response and Reporting of Cyber Incidents
  • PCI Council, Responding to a Data Breach – A How-to Guide for Incident Management
  • Electronic Transactions Clan (ETA), Information Alienation Response: A Nine-Stride Guide for Smaller Merchants

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Q29: Do states take laws requiring data alienation notifications to the affected parties?

A: Absolutely. California is the catalyst for reporting data breaches to affected parties. The state implemented its breach notification police force in 2003, and now nearly every country has a similar law in place.

As of Apr 12, 2017, NCSL.org reports: Xl-eight states, the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands have enacted legislation requiring private, governmental or educational entities to notify individuals of security breaches of data involving personally identifiable information.

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