2019 Trend Photography Social Media

2019 Photography Trends

A new year's day welcomes new photography trends. Each year we see this art evolve and find ourselves playing catch-up. That'southward why nosotros're here to help you stay up to appointment on the latest trends in the world of photography. Here are some of the movements nosotros expect to encounter in photography during 2019.

Video is Male monarch

In today's globe, many high-quality cameras tin can have stunning videos. Photographers are starting to explore this office of media, especially since people will spend more than time looking at a 30 second video than at a atypical photo. Also, while scrolling through social media, users tend to have short attention spans, and demand something visually grabbing to focus their attending on. In contempo years, videos have been taking over social media due to their power to demand their audience's attention. We've seen more hymeneals videographers capturing the special day than e'er before, and nosotros must admit that we are here for it. This yet, does non mean that the art of photography is dying. A combined use of photos and videos makes for very rich and attractive content to share and sell. Plus, it will help you increment your range of services offered to clients.

Photography for a Cause

Information technology'due south one matter to read about what'south happening in the world, merely it'due south another to run across it. In 2019, we wait to meet a lot of photography that promotes positive change by exposing current ecology and social threats. Issues like hunger, global warming, and state of war, which used to exist strictly captured by photojournalists, are more likely now more than ever to exist covered past photographers of all skill levels. Forth with this, we are seeing a trend in pairing a powerful photo with text to back information technology upwards. Doing this grabs people both emotionally and logically. This is however another trend we dearest to stand past, for photography is an important fine art that has the ability to spark major changes across the world.

Information technology'due south a Bird! It's a Aeroplane! No, it's a Drone!

Drones have been growing in popularity throughout the decade, especially when Amazon started working on their drone commitment system. Beyond retail and medical uses, drones are fantastic for taking stunning aerial shots, and they are more affordable than ever before. You no longer demand to be a millionaire to buy a drone. In fact, a good quality photography drone probably costs about half the price of your cell phone!

This photography tool is especially useful when taking travel photos. It helps photographers capture the beauty of the world around them from a unique perspective. It tin can also exist paired with the previous tip to show changes in the environment and the impact of pollution on the landscapes around usa. If you lot choose to use a drone though, practise make certain that you are aware of the legal restrictions of the places you lot want to shoot and be careful that y'all do not disturb the wild fauna.

Candids Are All the Rage

It'due south 2019 and people are starting to wait for authenticity in photography. Pure emotions are attention grabbing and relatable when compared to forced looking poses found in portrait photography. So instead of telling your model to pose in a quite unnatural way, make them laugh or smile to make a candid photo that others can relate to. Also, have a step exterior of the studio. Become to other buildings or shoot a few scenes in nature. The natural lighting will await softer and more attractive than the harsh studio lights. Plus, a piffling imperfection in your photos will help make for what 2019 considers to be a perfect shot.

Man's Best Friend

As you may accept noticed, people are crazy over animals these days. Many pet owners even dedicate a divide Instagram to their furry friend. We wait to come across more of this in 2019, so to stay on trend endeavour incorporating animals (domesticated or not) into your shots. Doing this is especially great if yous do a lot of traveling. People love seeing animals from beyond the globe or seeing dogs discovering the world with their pals. Even if you do other types of photography, whether it be for weddings, senior portraits, or family unit photos, animals e'er liven up a photo. At present that you know this, nosotros recommend that you brush up on your pet photography skills. It's not as easy every bit it looks!

Go Vertical

It'due south 2019 and smartphones are not going anywhere. Get with the times and take more vertical shots to fit smartphones' vertical screens. Most of your audience will view your photos on their smartphone, especially the ones posted on social media. Vertical photos brandish much better on mobile devices than landscape ones do, thus they gain more attending from those browsing through the cyberspace on their phone. This, even so, doesn't hateful that all the shots you take must be vertical. Proceed in listen the frame when you're shooting to decide whether mural or vertical would look best. In the end, y'all can e'er crop photos to adapt them to social media platforms.

We hope this update keeps you lot on trend for 2019. Got anymore trends nosotros should know of? Share them with us on Twitter @photos_of_us!

We at Photos of Us piece of work to assist photographers increment their efficiency and so they can spend more fourth dimension doing what they love. Sign-up for Photos of Usa today to beginning storing, sharing, and selling photos like a pro.

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